August 13, 2024

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) forged partnerships with Stacktreck Enterprise, Inc., Franklin Baker Company of the Philippines, and Pisomind Inc. during a Mass Ceremonial Signing of Memorandum of Agreement and Memoranda of Understanding in Taguig City.

Last August 5, TESDA, represented by its Director General, Secretary Suharto T. Mangudadatu signed a MOA with Billy Yuen, Founder/CEO of StackTreck Enterprise, Inc., and MOUs with Ferdinand Dela Cruz CEO and President of Franklin Baker Company of the Philippines, and Yeddidya Amsili, President of Pisomind Inc.

The said partnerships aim to develop training programs for emerging technologies, strengthen enterprise-based training programs, and establish online platforms for TESDA programs and services, and for job facilitation.

In his speech, Secretary Mangudadatu extended his gratitude to the agency’s new partners for their commitment to improve the lives of Filipinos.

“[We], at TESDA, are very fortunate that you, our partners from the private sector, value promoting and upholding excellence. To our partners—Franklin Baker Company, StackTrek Enterprise, and Pisomind — I express my deepest gratitude for your trust and collaboration. Together, we are laying the groundwork for a more skilled, innovative, and prosperous future for the Filipino people,’ he said.

Specifically, TESDA and StackTreck Enterprise, Inc. have partnered to ensure the development and implementation of technical vocational education and training (TVET) programs that will produce competent AI-ready workers in the country.

Further, the TESDA-Franklin Baker collaboration will conduct knowledge-sharing and career awareness activities, as well as collaborative research programs for the creation of training standards on food processing, develop strategic investments to improve the food supply chain.

Likewise, TESDA and Pisomind will collaborate on the establishment of a user-friendly centralized online platforms for TESDA’s programs and services, and for job facilitation of TVET graduates.

“The success of these initiatives will be measured by the number of lives we shall transform and the positive impact we create across our communities. As we move forward, let us remain steadfast and continue our dedication to excellence, inclusivity, and sustainability. Let us be united to provide quality education, innovative skills, and meaningful opportunities and therefore create a brighter future for all,” the TESDA Secretary added.