
The Department of Trade and Industry through the Board of Investments prepared the annual investment Priorities Plan. The document embodies the investment areas where the administration will provide support in terms of necessary government resources.

For this year, the investment Priorities Plan (IPP) has for its theme "Sustaining Economic Development Through Globally Competitive Industries." The 2002 IPP continued to pursue the agro-industrial development of the country through countryside development. These activities are geared towards attracting more investments and generate more jobs and business opportunities to small and medium enterprises especially in the rural areas.

In support of the action plans of the administration, the 2002 IPP aims to achieve the following goals:

  1. Create employment opportunities;
  2. Reduce the high cost of doing business;
  3. Increase exports;
  4. Disperse industry in the countryside;
  5. Strengthen agricultural productivity through modernization;
  6. Employ efficient environmental management;
  7. Sustain information and Communication Technology (ICT) competitiveness.
  8. Support enterprise expansion and modernization;
  9. Establish industry clusters;
  10. Support SME development