Self-Assessment Guide (SAG) – a pre-assessment tool to help the candidate and the assessor determine what evidence is available, where gaps exist, including readiness for assessment. This document can

  • identify the candidate’s skills and knowledge;
  • highlight gaps in the candidate’s skills and knowledge;
  • provide critical guidance to the assessor n the evidence that needs to be presented;
  • provide guidance to the candidate on the evidence that needs to be presented; and
  • assist the candidate to identify key areas in which practice is needed or additional information or skills should be gained prior to the assessment.

Food Processing NC I (FULL)
Food Processing NC II (COC1)
Food Processing NC II (COC2)
Food Processing NC II (COC3)
Food Processing NC II (COC4)
Food Processing NC II (COC5)
Food Processing NC II (FULL)
Food Processing NC III
Food Processing NC IV
Food Production (Professional Cookery) NC III (COC 1)
Food Production (Professional Cookery) NC III (COC 2)
Food Production (Professional Cookery) NC III (FULL)
Food Production (Professional Cookery) NC IV (COC 1)
Food Production (Professional Cookery) NC IV (COC 2)
Food Production (Professional Cookery) NC IV (COC 3)

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