TESDA unveils new training hub for digital arts, automation

07 November 2013

A new training center that offers to teach higher levels of digital arts and automation recently went full blast, fortifying the country's capacity to upgrade the sk...

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Metro Manila begins hunt for top skilled workers in regional competition

17 November 2013

Metro Manila has begun the search for skilled workers to be pitted against the country's best and most competent skilled workers with the recent holding of its 2013 ...

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Language training to aid Japan-bound nurses hurdle gap

19 November 2013

Seeking to continuously help Filipino nurses and care workers who are bound for Japan hurdle the language gap, the Technical Education and Skills Development Authori...

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TESDA offers free haircut, livelihood training for typhoon victims

22 November 2013

In makeshift shelters in Metro Manila where survivors of typhoon Yolanda are temporarily housed, teams of TESDA Specialistas have come in armed with scissors, powder...

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More solar night lights for typhoon-hit areas

23 November 2013

More locally-assembled portable solar night lights will soon be available to light up areas devastated by typhoon Yolanda.

Technical-vocational gradua...

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